
四季風景 ‧ 盧亮輝

四季風景 ‧ 盧亮輝


專輯簡介-璀璨四季 經典光輝


《春》抒寫青春的回憶 ; 接受西方古典音樂衝擊後,打破傳統中樂曲式束縛,寫出《夏》的熾熱與燦爛 ;《秋》用了慢板和小調表達中年時看待人生境遇的思索和惆悵 ; 以小奏鳴曲式寫成的《冬》融入爵士樂的律動靈感,呈現冬的凜冽壯麗,以及對冬盡春來的期盼。盧亮輝的《春》、《夏》、《秋》、《冬》完成後,以其完整的結構及抒情悅耳的旋律成為國樂交響化的重要作品,不但各樂團競相演出,也是音樂比賽頻繁登場的指定曲及自選曲,四十年來,已成經典。

臺北市立國樂團以專輯《四季風景.盧亮輝》致敬作曲家盧亮輝的創作生涯 ; 盧亮輝也從創作者角度校正及確認樂譜,排練、錄音時在現場提供給予指導,全程參與專輯製作。


A Shining Example of Chinese Traditional Music – Spring.Summer.Autumn.Winter

LO Leung-Fai’s The Four Seasons was begun in 1979, when LO was a full-time musician with the Hong Kong Chinese Orchestra, on commission of its conductor, NG Tai-Kong. These four works that praise the changes of the seasons were written over a period of five years. Spring was the first to be completed, followed by Summer (1980), Autumn (1982), and Winter (1984).

Spring sings the praised of youth. In Summer, LO, having received influence from Western classical music, breaks the bonds of traditional Chinese music with a song of brilliance and passion. Autumn is set in minor key and adagio, representing the melancholic vision that grows out of the latter stages of human life. Winter, written in a sonata form inspired by jazz-like rhythms, depicts the grandness and severity of the coldest of the four seasons, while hinting at the coming of the spring thaw. Spring, Summer, Autumn and Winter, in both its full structure and its enchanting melodies, was an important work for the “symphonizing” of Chinese traditional music. Over the past 40 years, it has even become a constant subject of orchestras and has been frequently used as a topic in musical competitions, bearing out its vast importance in Chinese music.

The Taipei Chinese Orchestra’s album LO Leung-Fai’s Chinese Orchestral Works - SpringSummerAutumnWinter pays homage to the life and career of its composer.

It was providential that LO sat in the during the entire creation of the album, from corrections to score confirmation, rehearsal, and recording, and provided his direction and suggestions. Separated by nearly 40 years, Spring, Summer, Autumn and Winter is represented in an entirely new interpretation that reflects the aesthetic outlook of the new place and time. We invite you to immerse yourself in the charm and brilliance of this classic work.